
We aim to make this site as accessible as we can.

Web accessibility means enabling people to view a web page the way they wish to view it with the equipment that they have available. In other words, making sure that as many people as possible can use a website, irrespective of physical impairment (such as loss of sight or restricted mobility), cognitive disability (such as dyslexia), or limited English language.

It also means ensuring a website works on the broadest possible range of computer hardware and software, and its use does not depend on having the highest specification equipment or latest browser.

Standards Compliance and Accessibility Guidelines

This site is built using valid HTML and uses CSS for presentation.

Our aim is to meet all Priority One, Priority Two, and selected Priority Three checkpoints from the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

Our publishing system has been designed to produce valid, accessible content wherever possible, but we acknowledge that we won't always succeed.

If you find any problems using any part of this site, please contact us and we'll do our very best to address the issue as promptly as we can.